發現已經有FileZilla 3.0.3了勒~





This file only lists a short summary of the changes between FileZilla versions. For a full list of changes, please read the ChangeLog file.

  ! Security related bugfix or otherwise critical bugfix
  + New feature or important bugfix
  - Bugfixes

3.0.3 (2007-11-06)

+ Install some default filters if filters.xml missing in user's settings directory
- OS X: Fix remote file viewing/editing
- Additional fixes for SFTP servers with nonstandard filename encodings

3.0.3-rc1 (2007-10-31)

+ Automatic server timezone detection. Custom offset in the Site Manager may need to be adjusted. FTP only.
+ Option to preserve file timestamps on downloads (all protocols)
+ Option to preserve file timestamps on uploads on FTP servers supporting the MFMT command
+ Add transfer type (ascii/binary/auto) selection to transfer menu
- Shorten very long filenames on file exists dialog
- Attempt at working around broken routers and firewalls disconnecting the control connection of the transfer session on transfers
- Deleting directories containing lots of files should be faster now
- Disallow settings/site import from files located in the settings storage directory
- Fix nullpointer dereference on non-UTF8 enabled SFTP servers
- *nix: Fix button height inconsistencies on dialogs with certain artwork (e.g. Ubuntu 7.10) (2007-10-17)

- Fix issue with message log not working properly

3.0.2 (2007-10-17)

+ MSW: Added /user=all and /user=current options to installer
+ Experimental support for z/VM servers
- Fix typo in option handling code. Due to this, settings for date/time formatting have been reset.
- Fix performance problem if FileZilla gets started with message log hidden
- Work around possible race conditions in SFTP input thread leading to crashes
- MSW: Fix issue with installer where reboot after uninstalling previous version disrupted installation. Fix will only work if uninstalling 3.0.2 or greater.
- OSX: Use new icon

3.0.2-rc1 (2007-10-10)

+ Remote file viewing / editing
+ Display current server in window title
- Don't remember incorrect password on SFTP connections with ASK logontype
- MSW: Fix drag&drop to explorer in case of case-mismatch between requested and reported path.
- *nix: Fix Makefiles so SFTP properly supports files > 2GB
- Ascii filetype setting for extensionless files and dotfiles had negated effect
- Fix error message if using multiple running instances save the settings at the same time
- Fix parsing of very new files in directory listings if server is in a timezone ahead of the client
- Fix range of timezone offset setting
- Fix problems with remote path combobox if reconnecting after a disconnect
- Display confirmation dialog if deleting file from remote directory tree context menu
- Refresh remote directory listing after refreshing a single file
- On very first startup, center FileZilla on screen

3.0.1 (2007-09-19)

- Fix parsing of settings or site XML data containing double, leading or trailing whitespace.
- MSW: Work around flaw in the combo box implementation used by the view headers

3.0.1-rc1 (2007-09-15)

+ Settings to configure size, date and time formatting
+ Message log and queue visibility will be remembered
+ Custom action to perform after queue completion
+ Add some confirmation dialogs
- MSW: Fix file truncation if using speed limits
- MSW: Fix slow startup on systems with floppy drives, disconnected network drivers and so on triggered by design flaw in Windows.
- Fix misplaced settings dialog
- Fix problems with remembering pane size
- Properly refresh local directory if downloading into newly created subdirectories
- Fix issues with language set to Japanese

3.0.0 (2007-09-08)

+ New application icon
- Fix support for servers sending directory listing in yet another exotic format
- Fix prefix search in list controls on wxGTK
- Work around problem with wxSpinCtrl in site manager on wxGTK
- Fix assertion on wxGTK if listing extensionless files

3.0.0-rc3 (2007-08-31)

! Fix buffer overflow if directory lisiting filters were enabled, causing FileZilla to crash.
+ Backspace key can be used to goes to parent directory in file lists
- Fix file selection by entering filename prefix
- Restore correct window size if FileZilla gets closed while minimized
- Disable "Create directory" entry in remote filelist context menu while disconnected
- Improve compatibility with SFTP servers using exotic listing formats
- MSW: Fix locales not working
- *nix: Fix queue scrolling

3.0.0-rc2 (2007-08-25)

+ Remember Window size and position
+ Remember sort column and order of file lists
+ Additional icon set by Brian Lukis
+ Added .desktop file on *nix systems
+ If server is crippled and doesn't allow more than one connection (based on Sitemanager preference), primary browsing connection can be used by the transfer queue
- Fix SSL transfers hanging if using speed limits
- Compile fixes and compatibility improvements for various platforms
- The usual assortment of small bugfixes, see changelog for details

3.0.0-rc1 (2007-08-11)

! Fix remotely triggered memory corruption if connection gets terminated during TLS handshake.
+ Windows: Add choice between "All Users" and "Current User" to installer
+ Windows: Add Desktop and My Documents links to directory tree
+ Windows: Ability to list shares on Network computers
+ Column withs in all list views will be saved
+ Refresh local file list after a successful file transfer
+ Add context menu to remote directory tree
+ Make Site Manager resizable
- Don't leave empty files behind on failed downloads
- Fix retry and cache logic if transfer command fails with 5yz reply
- Limit number of simultaneous connections did not work properly
- Refresh listing after chmod
- Fix upload of empty files over TLS connections

Beta 11 (2007-07-20):

+ Improved queue
+ Import and export dialogs including import of Sitemanager data from legacy FZ 2.x
+ Tab key can be used to switch between panes
+ F6 toggles between quickconnect bar and local/remote path edit fields
+ Location of settings directory can be specified in fzdefaults.xml
- Engine state could get mixed up if transfers failed
- Transfer of empty files could incorrectly time out
- Fix directory cache coherency if removing/renaming directories
- Work around lack of thread-safety in wxWidgets causing random misbehaviour
- Properly disconnect idle transfer engines after 30 seconds
- Update selections if changing sort order of file lists
- Various minor fixes

Beta 10 (2007-06-03):

+ Fix bug that made Beta 9 unusable

Beta 9 (2007-06-01):

+ Add "View hidden files" option to server menu
+ Add dialog to clear private data
+ Performance improvements of message log
+ Avoid sending unnecessary TYPE commands
- Updated TinyXML component, fixes problems with filenames containing ampersands or other special XML entities.
- Fix deadlock in sftp component under Windows
- Don't retry connecting if user cancels new/changed hostkey notification

Beta 8 (2007-05-09):

! Fix data corruption on FTPS uploads
+ Implement speed limits
+ Last used local directory will be remembered
+ New option for the sorting of the filelists. Directories can be kept on top or sorted inline.
+ Display warning if detecting a Windows system with a networking bug confirmed by Microsoft
+ Right-clicking the Sitemanager button in the toolbar displays a popup menu with the sites for quick access. On Windows, a dropdown arrow got added.
- Directorylisting-parser fixes, including support for Microware OS-9
- Small SFTP transfer speed improvement under Windows
- Autocompletion did not work properly on GTK based systems
- Uninstalling FileZilla on Windows should no longer leave registry keys behind
- lots of small bugfixes

Beta 7 (2007-03-27):

+ New optionspage to change layout of file and directory panes
+ Loading of predefined Sitemanager entries from fzdefaults.xml
+ UTF-8 support for SFTP, merged in upstream changes from PuTTY.
- Ascii file FTP transfers should now work properly on non-Windows systems
- Fix SFTP transfers of filenames containing the following characters: [ ] \ * ?
- lots of small bugfixes and performance improvements

Beta 6 (2007-02-19):

+ Vastly improved drag and drop support, including
+ Shell extension under Windows to allow dragging of files from FileZilla into Explorer
+ CTRL+A will select all files in currently focused file list
+ Display warning if trying to connect to SFTP server using FTP protocol
- Fix timing issue in socket event handling, fixes transfers not starting on some systems
- Cosmetic fixes under non-Windows platforms.

Beta 5 (2007-01-11):

! Fix format string vulnerabilities
+ Partial drag and drop support.
- Lots of small bugfixes

Beta 4 (2006-12-14):

- Fix bug that made Beta 3 unusable

Beta 3 (2006-12-13):

- FTP over TLS/SSL support
- Major performance improvements
- Automatic connection attempt retries
- Improved compatibility with legacy systems and other exotic servers
- Lots of small bugfixes

Beta 2 (2006-10-15):

- Fix timeouts
- "Update available" notification did not go away after updating
- Upload progress for SFTP transfers did advance too fast
- Filters did not apply properly
- UNC paths can now be browsed locally
- Directory listings can now be sorted by timestamp and permissions

Beta 1 (2006-10-05):
- First beta

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