[教學] FreeBSD 上安裝 Avira Antivir (做為 amavisd-new 的掃毒元件):(2002 資策會 MC104 網工班)
antivir安裝於linux上:(SUSE 10.0)

Avira AntiVir 病毒碼 - pczone
AVIRA AntiVir Premium 簡測:
【教學】Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic –完全設定手冊:

Avira AntiVir
Anti virus for Linux, Windows and more with firewall, antispam, recovery security

Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic - More than Security
Free virus protection for Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32Bit and for Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris

病毒碼:(antivir0.vdf ~ antivir3.vdf)

Avira AntiVir UNIX Server
Date: 06.03.2007 - Version: 2.1.10-15   39,979 Kb

Avira AntiVir UNIX Workstation
Date: 06.03.2007 - Version: 2.1.10-15   39,953 Kb

If you already have a valid license key, please download your Avira AntiVir Server from this site.
No key at hand? 30-days test key available here.

Indication: The product range is provided in the form of self-unpacking EXE files. If you do not want to

start the EXE files due to whatever reason, you can unpack them with a data compression program, which

supports RAR files.

If you have trouble when using the EXE files, please contact our Support, who will be pleasure to provide

you with those files in a ZIP format.


如果你已經有一把有充分根據的許可證鑰匙,請從這個網站中下載你的Avira AntiVir伺服器。
在手頭上的沒有鑰匙嗎? 30天在這裡測試關鍵可提供。

指示︰ 產品範圍被以取出自我的EXE 文件的形式提供。 如果由於任何原因你不想要開始EXE 文件, 你能用一個數據壓縮

計畫取出他們,這支持RAR 文件。

如果你有麻煩,使用EXE 文件, 請與我們的支持聯繫,將是為你提供用郵編形式的那些文件的快樂。


Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic (Free Avira)
Linux / FreeBSD / Solaris
Date: 03-06-2007 - Version: 2.1.10-15 - Engine:
md5sum: 2e6c9957087f7b2d2dade2ac3fd8deb4   40MB


[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# ./install
Starting AntiVir for UNIX Server 2.1.10-15 installation...
Before installing this software, you must agree to the terms
of the license.
Use the arrow keys to scroll through the license. When you
are finished reading, press 'q' to exit the viewer.
Press <ENTER> to view the license.

Avira GmbH

End-user License Agreement (EULA)

This Software has been copyrighted for the

Avira GmbH
Tjark Auerbach
Chief Executive Officer
Lindauer Str. 21
88069 Tettnang, Germany

hereinafter "Licensor".


Avira GmbH
Lindauer Str. 21 | 88069 Tettnang | Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 7542-500 0
Fax: +49 (0) 7542-525 10
E-mail: info@avira.de
Internet: http://www.avira.de
Do you agree to the license terms? [n] y
creating /usr/lib/AntiVir ... done
1) installing command line scanner
copying bin/antivir to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
NOTICE: This system has a prelinker. Prelinking the
        antivir binary will not work correctly. Either
        disable prelinking or add /usr/lib/AntiVir as an
        excluded prelink path.
        For example, add '-b /usr/lib/AntiVir'
        to /etc/prelink.conf
copying vdf/antivir0.vdf to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
copying vdf/antivir1.vdf to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
copying vdf/antivir2.vdf to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
copying vdf/antivir3.vdf to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
Enter the path to your key file: [hbedv.key] hbedv.key


copying hbedv.key to /usr/lib/AntiVir/hbedv.key ... done
copying script/configantivir to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
installation of command line scanner complete
2) installing internet update daemon
An internet update daemon is available with version 2.1.10-15 of
AntiVir for UNIX Server. This is a program that will run in the background
and automatically check for updates (internet access is required).
Instead of installing the internet update daemon, you may also
manually check for updates using:
     antivir --update
Please read the README file for more information about updating and
which method best suits you.
Would you like to install the internet update daemon? [n] y
copying script/avupdater to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
checking for existing /etc/avupdater.conf ... found
copying etc/avupdater.conf to /etc/avupdater.conf.default ... done
Would you like the internet update daemon to start automatically? [y] y
setting up startup script ... done
installation of the internet update daemon complete
3) installing AvGuard
Version 2.1.10-15 of AntiVir for UNIX Server is capable of on-access,
real-time scanning of files. This provides the ultimate protection
against viruses and other unwanted software. The on-access scanner
(called AvGuard) is based on Dazuko, a free software project providing
access control. In order to use AvGuard you will need to compile Dazuko
for your kernel. Please refer to contrib/dazuko/HOWTO-Dazuko for
information about how to do this. There are several ways in which you
can install AvGuard.
        module     - Dazuko will be loaded by the avguard script
        kernel     - Dazuko is always loaded
                     (and should not be loaded by the avguard script)
        no install - do not install AvGuard at this time
Note: Dazuko currently only works with GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris
      systems. If you are interested in helping us port Dazuko to
      OpenBSD, feel free to check out the Dazuko Project at:
available options: m k n
How should AvGuard be installed? [n] n
AvGuard will NOT be installed. See contrib/dazuko/HOWTO-Dazuko
for more information about Dazuko.
4) installing GUI (+ SMC support)
Note: The AntiVir Security Management Center (SMC) requires this
      feature, even if you do not intend to use the GUI.
This product comes with a GUI that allows you to monitor realtime
activity, view logs, and configure the product. This tool is optional
(not required) for the product to run.
The GUI requires Sun Java 1.4.x or higher.
Would you like to install the GUI (+ SMC support)? [y] y
checking for existing /etc/avguard.conf ... found
copying etc/avguard.conf-gui to /etc/avguard.conf.default ... done
copying common gui files to /usr/lib/AntiVir/gui ... done
copying platform dependant gui files to /usr/lib/AntiVir/gui ... done
copying script/antivir-gui to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
copying smcpkg/scanparameters.txt to /usr/lib/AntiVir/agent/ ... done
copying smcpkg/libuxsrv.so.linux_glibc22 to /usr/lib/AntiVir/agent/libuxsrv.so ... done
installation of GUI complete
5) configuring AntiVir Updater
Your connection to the internet might require special configuration
settings (such as HTTP proxy settings). You may also want the
updater to log to specific files or send email notification. You
now have the opportunity to set these options.
Would you like to configure the AntiVir updater now? [y] y

EmailTo                                                         (1 of 4)
You may configure the AntiVir Updater to send out an email message
whenever an update was successful or an error with the update occurred.
available options: y n
Would you like email notification about updates? [n] n

LogTo                                                           (2 of 4)
In addition to logging update activity through syslog, you may also
specify your own log file for messages that are generated by the.
AntiVir Updater. This can make it simpler to review past activity
without having to sift through syslog files.
available options: y n
Would you like the updater to log to a custom file? [y] y
What will be the log file name with absolute path (it must begin with '/')
? [/var/log/avupdater.log] /var/log/avupdater.log

AutoUpdateEvery2Hours/AutoUpdateDaily                           (3 of 4)
AntiVir is equipped with an Internet Update Daemon. At specified
intervals, AntiVir will connect to an update server to check for newer
versions of the AntiVir engine or the data files. If a newer
version is available, AntiVir will automatically download and install
the updates without requiring any special attention. This allows AntiVir
to be kept current against attacks and problems.
AntiVir can be configured to check for updates every 2 hours (2) or
once a day (d). You can also choose to disable the Internet Update
Daemon (n).
Note: Updates can also be done manually from the command line:
           antivir --update
      You may prefer to disable the Internet Update Daemon and
      instead perform regular updates using a cron(8) job.
      Using the startup script for the Internet Update Daemon when
      it is disabled will result in an error.
available options: 2 d n
How often should AntiVir check for updates? [2] 2

HTTPProxyServer/HTTPProxyPort                                 (4 of 4)
If this machine is sitting behind an HTTP proxy server, you will need to
configure AntiVir with the appropriate proxy settings. Internet access
is required in order to make updates.
available options: y n
Does this machine use an HTTP proxy server? [n] n

AntiVir Configuration
Here are the configuration settings you have specified. Look them over
to make sure they are correct.
email notification:           no
specific logfile:             /var/log/avupdater.log
update frequency:             every 2 hours (if update daemon is running)
http proxy server:            none
available options: y n
Save configuration settings? [y] y

Configuration successfully saved to.
Press <ENTER> to continue.

Running Internet Update Daemon
In order for the Internet Update Daemon to be active on your
system, you must run the software. This can be done manually each
time the system is booted with the command:
/usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdater start
You can have it start automatically by adding avupdater to your
startup scripts. Depending on your system, this can vary. Consult
your system documentation on startup scripts.
During the installation, you had the option to set the updater to
start automatically.
available options: y n
Would you like to apply the new configuration? [y] y

Starting AntiVir: avupdater.
AntiVir Status: avupdater running.
Here are some commands that you should remember...
configure updater:    /usr/lib/AntiVir/configantivir
start update daemon:  /usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdater start
stop update daemon:   /usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdater stop
update daemon status: /usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdater status
Press <ENTER> to continue.

Installation of the following features complete:
     AntiVir command line scanner
     AntiVir Internet Update Daemon
     AntiVir Guard (previously installed)
     AntiVir GUI
Note: It is highly recommended that you perform an update now to
      ensure up-to-date protection. This can be done by running:
      antivir --update
Be sure to read the README file for additional information.
Thank you for your interest in AntiVir for UNIX Server.
[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# avupdater status
AntiVir Status: avupdater running.
[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# antivir --update
AntiVir / Linux Version 2.1.10-15
Copyright (c) 2007 by Avira GmbH.
All rights reserved.

Warning: the file "antivir.vdf" is more than 14 days old
checking for updates

on disk       |  upd server 
--------------+--------------   <  [antivir]   =  [antivir0.vdf]  < [antivir1.vdf]  < [antivir2.vdf]   < [antivir3.vdf]
antivir 100% |*******************************| 1857 KB  132.69 KB/s   0:00 ETA
antivir1.vdf 100% |**************************| 7083 KB  193.05 KB/s   0:00 ETA
antivir2.vdf 100% |**************************|  744 KB  106.39 KB/s   0:00 ETA
antivir3.vdf 100% |**************************|   49 KB    0.00 KB/s  --:-- ETA

on disk       |  upd server 
--------------+--------------   =  [antivir]  = [antivir1.vdf]  = [antivir2.vdf]  = [antivir3.vdf]

error updating the scanner
error updating the VDF database (inc)
error updating the VDF database

See log files for details.

[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# vi /var/log/avupdater.log

2007-07-25 18:06:36 localhost antivir[4628]: AVUP: ERROR Error: new updates will not work with current

2007-07-25 18:06:36 localhost antivir[4628]: AVUP: ERROR AntiVir FAILED to update itself

[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# antivir --version
operating system: Linux (glibc 2.2)
product version:  2.1.10-15
engine version:
packlib version: (supports 32 formats)
vdf version:

Warning: the file "antivir.vdf" is more than 14 days old

product:          AntiVir Server
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  Newfield
serial number:    0000149999-ASRTM-0003
key expires:      23 Jul 2007
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir Workstation
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  Newfield
serial number:    0000149999-ASRTM-0003
key expires:      23 Jul 2007
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir (command line scanner)
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  Newfield
serial number:    0000149999-ACMLM-0003
key expires:      23 Jul 2007
run mode:         COMMERCIAL


到官網自行下載病毒碼:(antivir0.vdf ~ antivir3.vdf)

AntiVir incremental VDF update (IVDF) for the version 7
The version 7 of Avira AntiVir Windows Workstation and AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium and Classic is

available in two versions: one version for the use under Windows 98, 98 SE and Windows ME and the other

version to be used on Windows NT, 2000, XP, XP 64Bit and Vista 32Bit that is Unicode-aware, i.e. that can

recognize non Western languages and fonts (e.g. with file names and contents).

The “normal” IVDF has to be used for the version 7 on Windows 98, 98 SE and Windows ME.

The IVDF (Unicode) has to be used for the “Unicode” version 7 on Windows NT, 2000,  XP, XP 64Bit and Vista

這個IVDF (Unicode)是給NT以上用的,但拿到Linux上也可以用=.=

AntiVir incremental VDF update (IVDF)
The daily updates of the VDF file are not downloaded in form of one single VDF file but of one small VDF

file (Name: antivir3.vdf) of only a few kilobytes, which only contains the new virus signatures.

This daily VDF file supplements the weekly VDF (Name: antivir2.vdf), the monthly VDF (Name: antivir1.vdf)

and the so-called basic VDF (Name: antivir0.vdf), which are installed on every AntiVir program package by

If one of the mentioned VDF files reaches a determined size, its content is transferred to the next higher

VDF file, which has to be downloaded too.

The incremental VDF process has the advantage that the download volume is extremely small. This leads to

very small download times and costs, also if the download is carried out via an Internet modem connection.


增加的VDF 不斷改進的AntiVir(IVDF)
VDF 文件的每日的更新, 沒被以一個單個的VDF 文件的形式下載但是只一些千位元組的一個小的VDF 文件(名字︰

antivir3.vdf), 只包含新病毒簽名。

這個每日的VDF 文件補充每周VDF(名字︰antivir2.vdf), 每月VDF(名字︰antivir1.vdf)和所謂基本的VDF(名字︰

antivir0.vdf), 被因對方未出場在每個AntiVir程式包上安裝。

如果被提及的VDF 文件之一達成一個堅決的尺寸, 它的內容被轉移到下一個更高的VDF 文件,這也必須被下載。

增加的VDF 處理有下載卷極其小的利益。 如果也下載被透過一個網際網路數據機連接進行,這導致非常小的下載時代並且花費。

wget -P /usr/local http://dl.antivir.de/down/vdf/ivdf_fusebundle_nt_en.zip
unzip /usr/local/ivdf_fusebundle_nt_en.zip -d /usr/local
rm -rf /usr/local/ivdf_fusebundle_nt_en.zip
rm -rf /usr/local/avewin32.dll
rm -rf /usr/local/avpack32.dll
rm -rf /usr/local/avrep.dll
rm -rf /usr/local/SETUP.FU0
rm -rf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir0.vdf
rm -rf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir1.vdf
rm -rf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir2.vdf
rm -rf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir3.vdf
mv /usr/local/antivir0.vdf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir0.vdf
mv /usr/local/antivir1.vdf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir1.vdf
mv /usr/local/antivir2.vdf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir2.vdf
mv /usr/local/antivir3.vdf /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir3.vdf

[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# antivir --update
AntiVir / Linux Version 2.1.10-15
Copyright (c) 2007 by Avira GmbH.
All rights reserved.

Sorry, --updater-daemon not available in DEMO mode.

更新病毒碼後就變成DEMO mode.了=.=?



[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# antivir --version
operating system: Linux (glibc 2.2)
product version:  2.1.10-15
engine version:
packlib version: (supports 32 formats)
vdf version:

只有vdf有更新,product、engine、packlib version 不知怎更新=.=

registered user: 
serial number:   
key expires:       
run mode:         DEMO (license expired)

[root@localhost antivir-server-prof-2.1.10-15]# antivir /etc --allfiles -s
AntiVir / Linux Version 2.1.10-15
Copyright (c) 2007 by Avira GmbH.
All rights reserved.

AntiVir is running in DEMO mode.
VDF version: created 25 Jul 2007

auto excluding /sys/ from scans (is a special fs)
auto excluding /proc from scans (is a special fs)
checking drive/path (list): /etc

------ scan results ------
   directories:      237
 scanned files:     2377
        alerts:        0
    suspicious:        0
     scan time: 00:00:19
Thank you for using AntiVir.

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    ca95 台灣地誌

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